General Election- July 4th

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called a general election to be held on the 4th of July. This means that I will not be able to take on new casework due to parliamentary rules and that I’ll cease my parliamentary business from Thursday 30th. If you have not already done so, you can register to vote by clicking this link.

The timing of this election is frustrating for Scots- school holidays will have started across the country. Many people will have already booked flights and hotels over the summer, and Rishi Sunak has taken no notice of this. If you will be away on July 4th, don’t worry- you can still vote! Applying for a postal vote is easy- click on this link to visit the government’s postal vote sign up. Similarly, you can apply to vote by proxy by following this link.

This election will be important for Scotland and for Airdrie and Shotts. It’s clear that Westminster isn’t working for Scotland and the best way to make sure that Scotland has a strong voice in London is by sending strong SNP MPs. Every vote counts and I’d love your help making sure that Airdrie and Shotts continues to have a strong, local voice that puts Scotland first. If you’d like to help out, you can chip in a bit of money at my crowdfunder here or volunteer for my campaign by getting in touch at


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